TNPSC AO Exam 2022-23 - AO101B - Study Materials -Agriculture Paper 1

TNPSC AO Exam 2022-23 - AO101B - Study Materials -Agriculture Paper 1

Study Material


TNPSC AO Exam 2022-23 Study Materials -Agriculture 1

  1. Agriculture 10 books
    1. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
    2. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Seed Science and Technology
    3. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Agronomy
    4. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Agricultural Entomology and Nematology
    5. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Plant Pathology & Microbiology
    6. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Basic Plant Sciences
    7. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Plant Breeding and Genetics
    8. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Agricultural Economics
    9. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Agricultural Extension
    10. Phoenix’s Instant Notes on Agriculture Allied Subjects
  2. Books were prepared by Subject Matter Specialists (SMS)
  3. Whole Agriculture syllabus covered
  4. Books prepared according to TNPSC AO syllabus
  5. It included 3 sets of practice question papers

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